Tuesday May 15th 2018 Remant Cool Logistics had the chance to invite our respected customer Agristo to a vessel visit, thanks to CMA CGM Antwerp. Container vessel CMA CGM Bougainville was scheduled to call the port of Zeebrugge early morning, and as per schedule we could pay her a visit at about 11 am.
Because of our interest for Reefer containers, we were informed by mr Gregory Pes and mr Philippe Kegels of CMA CGM commercial team, that the CMA CGM Bougainville had 1.254 Reefer plugs on board.
This almost 18.000 TEU large vessel impressed Geneviève, Justine, Nurit and Virginie from the customer service team of Agristo. It was their first time to visit a vessel of this size (398m length, 54m width), and we got lucky that the First Mate took the time to show us almost all “corners” of the ship, from operations room over kitchen and supplies, to finally the impressive engine(room).
We concluded the visit with a nice lunch in the port of Zeebrugge to share our experiences and elaborate more on the specific roles of us being specialised Reefer forwarder in partnership with the ocean carrier, the shipping line.
Our guests gave us the feeling they really experienced something different and resulted in a better understanding of our job and challenge as their Transport Architect.